Thursday, August 2, 2012

Grid Failure in India

 With all the expertise that is pouring from in the electronic and print media on the subject I was left wondering as to where the truth lies.

I therefore diverted the purpose of this blog to matters distant from Bangalore and focus on a few pictures downloaded from the Northern Regional Load Dispatch Centre. Even for someone uninitiated it is easy to see how the participants of the grid have made a mockery of the system and caused wild and dangerous excursions to the frequency.

(red indicates operation outside the normal range)
This was not on the 1st day but after the grid already failed once. You notice that around 13 hours the grid snapped and there is no trace for more than an hour. Here is picture of what major states are drawing from the grid vis-a-vis their quota fixed a day in advance.

(brown line above green means drawal more than you are allowed for)


The order in which these graphs leave no room for doubt who was drawing beyond their means. Not only is this a one-off incident this indiscipline was rampant.

Contd. in Part II

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